Take Your Parents to Work Day

The first annual Take Your Parents to Work Day occurred at Hospital Woeisme last week. The idea stemmed from the resident wellness committee; they reasoned that the experience would show families what the day-to-day life of a resident truly entails. Trainees from each specialty were given permission to have their parents shadow all patient-care activities, including procedures, rounds, and conferences.

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Sandwich Shortage Causes Stir-fry

Wok n’ Wards, the new restaurant at Hospital Woeisme, caused quite a stir-fry in the emergency department last week. The restaurant replaced a longstanding delicatessen, and features Asian styles dishes where patrons can mix and match vegetables, noodles, and meats such as chicken, pork, and beef. Notably missing from the menu is any dish with turkey.

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Resident Band Wins Big!

ROSC, a band comprised of residents from Hospital Woeisme, has been announced as the winner of a nationwide talent contest! The band, which officially stands for ‘Rockin’ Out, Stayin’ Cool,’ (though rumor has it the original acronym stood for ‘Residents Over Stupid Crap,’ and not to be confused with the ambulance ride-share app ‘Riding On Shared Cabs’) has signed a multi-million dollar recording contract as part of their winnings. Playing in the genre they’ve dubbed Nouveau Classic Rock, ROSC is reminiscent of Jimi Hendrix, with the added intensity of Lenny Kravitz-esque energy.

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Secret Speakeasy Stumps C-suite

Hospital Woeisme administrators have been scouring the facility recently, attempting to locate a secret resident-run speakeasy. Rumors first spread about the hidden bar when a disgruntled resident, who apparently hadn’t been given an invitation, reported it to his attending. The speakeasy is believed to have music, games, and drinking, though no one is entirely sure as it is so mysterious.

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Gas Leak Leaves Surgeons in Stitches

An unusual noise emanating from the surgeon's lounge at Hospital Woeisme resulted in one of the greatest medical mysteries in recent history. The sound, described as near constant, loud, and varying in pitch and tone, disturbed and confused any who heard it. When investigated, the cause of the noise turned out to be uncontrollable laughter.

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First Annual Roller Derby Match

The long-standing tradition of a springtime interdepartmental resident and fellow baseball game at Hospital Woeisme is getting replaced this year with a roller derby match. Changing the activity is hoping to level the playing field and get more trainees to participate. Typically, the same few folks end up pitching and batting, while the rest aimlessly wander the outfield or drink beer in the bleachers.

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Resident Adds Rorschach Reads to Radiology Reports

In the darkness of the radiology reading rooms, only the gentle hum of the computers and the quiet chatter of residents dictating radiology reads break the silence. Among the computers sits Dr. Exner, a senior radiology resident at Hospital Woeisme. He has recently become known for a peculiar habit – he has begun added Rorschach interpretations into each and every radiology report he completes.

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Hospital Joins Airbnb, Rents Out Call Rooms

In an attempt to increase revenue and meet the growing tourism needs of the city, Hospital Woeisme has joined Airbnb and is now renting out their call rooms. According to hospital CEO Dr. Koopa, the move is both innovative and resourceful. “Tourists today are constantly looking for new and immersive experiences. What could be more exciting than experiencing the life of a resident physician?”

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Dr. McMuffin Hired as New Peds Hospitalist

Dr. McMuffin, the lesser-known cousin of beloved TV physician Doc McStuffins, is the newest pediatric hospitalist at Hospital Woeisme. The young physician has already impressed her colleagues with her breadth of knowledge and clinical acumen, but apparently that is where the similarities with her cousin end. The residents have already been heard grumbling about McMuffin’s less than inviting personality and multitude of pet peeves.

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Medicine Teams Switch to Scooters, Rounding Time Halved

Always at the forefront of innovations in medical training, the internal medicine teams at Hospital Woeisme have begun using electric scooters to travel between patient rooms during rounds. This novel practice has halved the amount of time it typically takes to complete rounding, as the teams now move much faster than before.

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Underground High-stakes Resident Bingo Ring Busted

After several months of intense investigation, the underground high-stakes resident-run Bingo game at Hospital Woeisme has finally been uncovered and disbanded. Originating with the ED residents, the game was initially just for fun. The game turned serious, and illegal, when players began paying to join in. The reported payout could be thousands of dollars, depending on how many residents played and won each week.

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