New Walk-through CT Scanners at Hospital Entrances!

Hospital Woeisme has finished updating its entrances, with the completed doors more closely resembling something from the new Star Wars movie than a hospital entrance. Each metal entryway features a short, tunneled pathway, wide enough for one person to walk through at a time. In addition to the usual feature of allowing for ingress and egress of a structure, these doors have something extra: they are all CT scanners.

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Hospital Joins Airbnb, Rents Out Call Rooms

In an attempt to increase revenue and meet the growing tourism needs of the city, Hospital Woeisme has joined Airbnb and is now renting out their call rooms. According to hospital CEO Dr. Koopa, the move is both innovative and resourceful. “Tourists today are constantly looking for new and immersive experiences. What could be more exciting than experiencing the life of a resident physician?”

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